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orbit published on 2 Comments on orbit

despite what some hollywood movies where rockets fly up and miraculously start floating around tell you, almost all spaceships and satellites that stay in space are in an orbit. if you’re not orbiting a planet/moon/star you’re probably either flying away from it, or about to crash into it.

another way to think of this is spaceships don’t experience “zero gravity”, but “zero g-force”. right now you are experiencing 1g of g-force, because gravity is pushing you into the ground. if you jumped into the air you would feel 0g of g-force… until you hit the ground.

a spaceship in orbit never hits the ground, so it constantly experiences 0g. essentially it is falling… forever.


velocity published on 1 Comment on velocity

fun fact: if you lie around in your room all day, you’ve technically moved further than someone who ran a marathon from east to west in the same time, relative to the centre of the earth.

unfortunately, fitness apps don’t seem to understand this for some strange reason.

girl with balloons

girl with balloons published on 2 Comments on girl with balloons

(click here for a high resolution version of this illustration)

hurray! a considerably less ridiculously time-consuming illustration than the last one. i bet people will like it more than that one anyway because clouds are pretty and life is unfair. :(

apparently i have a thing for painstakingly drawing all the stars 100% accurately and then covering half of them with clouds anyway. but it’s the thought that counts, right guys?


earthrise published on No Comments on earthrise

fact: anything you can completely cover with your thumb does not at all matter (i.e. literally everything if you stand back far enough). it’s called the jim lovell principle, and it’s definitely a real thing that i didn’t make up just now. ◑.◑

maybe this is why sedna never lets dini get more than a few steps away from her. (´ω`*)

far side of the moon

far side of the moon published on No Comments on far side of the moon

people call it the ‘dark side of the moon’, but because it has almost no maria it’s technically brighter than the near side.

pink floyd lied to us all.