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velocity published on 1 Comment on velocity

fun fact: if you lie around in your room all day, you’ve technically moved further than someone who ran a marathon from east to west in the same time, relative to the centre of the earth.

unfortunately, fitness apps don’t seem to understand this for some strange reason.

the best dad

the best dad published on No Comments on the best dad

whenever you think you’re the best at something, just remember there are 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (10^24) star systems in the observable universe. there’s almost certainly someone out there better than you. ;)

far side of the moon

far side of the moon published on No Comments on far side of the moon

people call it the ‘dark side of the moon’, but because it has almost no maria it’s technically brighter than the near side.

pink floyd lied to us all.