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helium-3 published on No Comments on helium-3

helium-3 is theoretically useful for nuclear fusion (instead of fission), a technology which still isn’t yet viable, and even if it becomes so, it might just be cheaper and easier to build a bunch of solar panels and batteries on earth than set up a mining operation on the moon. still, it makes for a neat science fiction concept, which is something i guess.

and yes, technically i just made a sequel to the comic “helium” called “helium-3”. hire me, microsoft.

3:02 am

3:02 am published on No Comments on 3:02 am

(click here for a high resolution version of this illustration)

new illustration mates! this one’s totally not autobiographical mum, i swear.

i like to try and use a different colour palette for each illustration and so i originally drew this in mostly cool blue colours, but it wasn’t really working so i eventually gave up and defaulted back to purple and pink again. i might put the original on patreon if anyone’s interested.

light pollution

light pollution published on 3 Comments on light pollution

it’s not vandalism if it’s for science™! right?

by the way, to all you confused americans, that thing is called a “cricket bat”. cricket is this crazy sport that’s like baseball but actually slightly interesting.

girl with balloons

girl with balloons published on 2 Comments on girl with balloons

(click here for a high resolution version of this illustration)

hurray! a considerably less ridiculously time-consuming illustration than the last one. i bet people will like it more than that one anyway because clouds are pretty and life is unfair. :(

apparently i have a thing for painstakingly drawing all the stars 100% accurately and then covering half of them with clouds anyway. but it’s the thought that counts, right guys?


stargazing published on 2 Comments on stargazing

(this comic contains an easter egg that tells you when i drew it. i wonder if anyone will notice.)

we did it mates! 100 comics! that’s almost 0.006% of the number of peanuts strips! thanks everyone for supporting my now three-digit-long space comic strip series. hopefully i’ll manage to stay alive and not amputate my right hand for long enough to bring you at least 900 more.

unfortunately i have to start updating sedna only 2 times/week from now on (tue + sat), as 3 isn’t a sustainable pace for me except maybe as a full-time job, and the only reason i’ve managed it so far was due to my massive buffer. but i’m sure you’ll all forgive me.

…you will, right? O_O;

who is ako?

who is ako? published on No Comments on who is ako?

i love drawing ako. she’s about 50 million times easier to draw than actual mars rovers (no offense percy, but you’re just so stupidly complicated).

hey, does anyone else feel an unbearable urge to go watch wall-e for some reason, or just me…?

wasted my life

wasted my life published on 3 Comments on wasted my life

calm down sedna, it could be worse. you could be an awkward 24 year-old whose only accomplishments are learning to watch anime without subtitles and drawing a space webcomic barely anyone reads. …not that i know anyone like that. ◑.◑