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new dinosaur

new dinosaur published on 5 Comments on new dinosaur

that kid is dedicated to his craft.

if you’re wondering why there wasn’t a comic this tuesday, i’ve been really busy with work lately, so sedna is moving to a 1 comic/week schedule until i can build up my buffer a little bit. sorry about that mates. hopefully i’ll get back up to 2 again before too long.

stay-at-home dad

stay-at-home dad published on No Comments on stay-at-home dad

that girl’s got a good family. :)

well, that’s the end of this little sedna+mum series. hope you guys enjoyed it. it’s a nice break from all the usual science geekery just to have some characters goofing around every now and then (and it’s nice not to have to do any research for once).

but for the (probably) small percentage of you who are actually here for the educational science comics, stay tuned for next week. ;)