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earthrise published on No Comments on earthrise

fact: anything you can completely cover with your thumb does not at all matter (i.e. literally everything if you stand back far enough). it’s called the jim lovell principle, and it’s definitely a real thing that i didn’t make up just now. ◑.◑

maybe this is why sedna never lets dini get more than a few steps away from her. (´ω`*)


supernova published on 2 Comments on supernova

(click here for a high resolution version of this illustration)

happy 2021 mates! kicking off the year with a cute illustration which some might call a ripoff of ‘the martian’, but i prefer to think of it as a tribute. if anyone recognizes this, yes it’s the one i submitted to the clip studio illustration competition months ago (i have a large buffer).

lots of spacey stuff to be excited about this year. there’s a lunar eclipse in may, spacex starship and boeing starliner will have their first orbital flights (hopefully), and the james webb telescope (the successor to hubble) will finally launch in october (maybe), and boy are my buttcheeks gonna be clenched when that happens.


soyuz published on No Comments on soyuz

confusingly, the soyuz is both the name of the rocket and the spacecraft, the latter of which has had 148 crewed missions as of this post (more than the space shuttle’s 135), with the first one being in 1966! if it ain’t broke don’t fix it, the russians say, especially when you’re working on a soviet budget.

there’s something so kerbal about landing in the middle of the desert with a single enormous parachute and tiny landing rockets firing just before touchdown to soften the impact. spare a thought for boris volynov, who rode soyuz 5 in 1969 when its parachute tangled and landing rockets failed, resulting in the spacecraft hitting the ground so hard it broke volynov’s teeth.