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far side of the moon

far side of the moon published on No Comments on far side of the moon

people call it the ‘dark side of the moon’, but because it has almost no maria it’s technically brighter than the near side.

pink floyd lied to us all.


sedna: the moon rotates once for every time it orbits the earth, which is why we only ever see the same side.
text: earth; tidal locking; moon; moon

sedna: for millions of years our ancestors could only see half of our closest neighbour…

sedna: …until we invented spaceships!
text: luna 3 (1959)

sedna: …now we have satellite pictures of the whole moon so detailed you can see the astronauts’ footpaths!
dini: why are we using a telescope then?

Webcomic Transcript Authorsthomas

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