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helium-3 published on No Comments on helium-3

helium-3 is theoretically useful for nuclear fusion (instead of fission), a technology which still isn’t yet viable, and even if it becomes so, it might just be cheaper and easier to build a bunch of solar panels and batteries on earth than set up a mining operation on the moon. still, it makes for a neat science fiction concept, which is something i guess.

and yes, technically i just made a sequel to the comic “helium” called “helium-3”. hire me, microsoft.


ancient published on No Comments on ancient

it’s easy to think of the ancient egyptians as living at the dawn of civilisation and ourselves as living closer to the end of it, but on a universal scale, we are still the ancient egyptians.

also if you’re baffled by how long 100 trillion years is and want me to put it into perspective: imagine 1 trillion years. now multiply that by 100. there.

3:02 am

3:02 am published on No Comments on 3:02 am

(click here for a high resolution version of this illustration)

new illustration mates! this one’s totally not autobiographical mum, i swear.

i like to try and use a different colour palette for each illustration and so i originally drew this in mostly cool blue colours, but it wasn’t really working so i eventually gave up and defaulted back to purple and pink again. i might put the original on patreon if anyone’s interested.


craters published on 1 Comment on craters

that’s right mates, there’s a crater on mercury called disney (and you’ll know why if you look at its shape). so technically if you were to say “disney is the worst and we should shoot it into the sun”, you could argue you were talking about the crater and the mouse couldn’t sue you.

i’m just saying. you could do that if wanted to. just putting it out there.

(this comic was a real pain in the butt to draw by the way. good thing there’s a 3d map of mercury available online or i would have totally given up on trying to draw all the craters accurately)