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space agency headquarters

space agency headquarters published on 2 Comments on space agency headquarters

(click here for a high resolution version of this illustration)

finally another slice of life illustration! these are way easier than drawing dinosaurs or spaceships.

this one probably doesn’t have as nice colours or composition as some of my other illustrations, but i sure had a blast adding all the little easter eggs around sedna’s room (i wonder if any rocket nerds will notice anything… familiar about some of sedna’s rocket designs). :P


marfusha published on 3 Comments on marfusha

i did way more research on bunnies in space for this comic than i ever imagined myself doing.

turns out the second bunny in space was called zvezdochka. but the third bunny in space (and first bunny in orbit) never had its name or picture published, which is not only super disappointing on its own but also totally killed my original comic idea of having a whole photo album of pioneering space bunnies. damn it soviet union, all you had to do was give this bunny a name. was that really so hard?

who is yuri?

who is yuri? published on No Comments on who is yuri?

subtle throwback to comic #11. it’s almost like i’m a genius and planned this all along (i didn’t).

maybe the reason sedna is always wearing the same hoodie is that it was the only one she could find with a matching miniature version.


assistant published on No Comments on assistant

poor yuri. too loyal for her own good. lucky she has some impressive english vocabulary and upper body strength for a bunny.

funny story: when i drew this comic i looked up reference images for cordless drills, and i’m still getting stupid cordless drill ads months later. seriously google, please leave me alone.

rocket-eating tree

rocket-eating tree published on No Comments on rocket-eating tree

(click here for a high resolution version of this illustration)

another day, another illustration that took me way longer than it should have because i have no idea what i’m doing. this time starring my tribute to the primary antagonist and undisputed best character of the peanuts universe, the kite-eating tree.

and good grief! is that yuri? classic sedna readers rejoice, the bun is back! and with a slight redesign (because let’s be honest, she looked pretty terrible in classic sedna). expect to see more yuri in the next few comics.