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history of mars rovers

history of mars rovers published on 2 Comments on history of mars rovers

great scott! it’s a 5-panel comic! is that even legal?

the history of mars rovers is way too interesting to compress into one tiny comic strip (and yet i tried anyway), so i hope you all go on a wikipedia/youtube binge to learn all the juicy details. the fact that we humans have put multiple science vehicles on another freaking planet is absolutely ridiculous, and i hope we can eventually one-up ourselves and land actual people on mars, ideally some time within the next 2-3 million years. [glares at nasa]

also, i’m officially sick of drawing rovers now. they are actually the worst.

percy on mars

percy on mars published on 6 Comments on percy on mars

(click here for a high resolution version of this illustration)

illustration day boys! and this is an extra special one! 10.5 hours from this post, at around 8:30pm utc (12:30pm pst, 3:30pm est, 7:30am aest), the rover “perseverance” will attempt to soft land on the surface of the planet mars. if it succeeds, this illustration will be a celebration for percy and nasa’s amazing accomplishment. if it fails, this will be more of a sad farewell. either way, i definitely need to come back and edit this description based on the outcome.

this is possibly the most i’ve ever procrastinated on an illustration. drawing complex messes of machinery is so hard and confusing, i just kept putting it off. pretty happy with the outcome though.